Looking for Spicetown, Ohio?

Catch up with Mayor Cora Mae Bingham as she keeps an eye on her quaint small town nestled in the southern hills of Ohio.  Although Spicetown is sprinkled with culinary street names, stores full of spices, and quaint life-long citizens, out-of-towners can bring in a dicey element.

Sales & Secrets

Interested in Romance or Mystery?  Subscribe for the insider news on both!.
You can learn more about The Eden Hall Series, a contemporary (medium heat) romance series, or The Spicetown Mystery Series, a cozy mystery series there.

Willow Wood, a small town sweet romance, has a new sequel, Knight Events, if you are interested in reading Jackie Knight's love story.  Join my newsletter to receive news of  all new releases and sales!

Interested in audio books??  If you would like a promo code for an Audible book to review, please contact me.  I'm happy to share one if I have one available. 

Spicetown News

A new cover reveal!

Silent Night Dynamite is the next planned release for the Spicetown Mystery Series! 

Mayor Cora Mae Bingham has a new friend that has come to town to straighten up the coal mine’s failed finances and keep the pay checks flowing faithfully through the holiday, but his financial fixes may cause some unanticipated fallout.

Canine Officer Briscoe helps find a missing photographer, but the developments turn dark when the police begin to probe into her marriage. Only the dark room offers some light into the situation.

Despite these concerns, the citizens of Spicetown have a full heart at Christmastime and are busy preparing for the community play and choral presentation at the Community Center. Spicetown’s eccentric millionaire, Grace Keslar, is having a holiday party to celebrate her new business ventures, but Cora isn't certain where her invitation got lost.

Even when Cora Mae thought she knew everything about everyone in town, Harvey “Saucy” Salzman finds a way to surprise her!

Although it is still in creation stages, you can always see progress on my Goodreads page.  Find out when it is available for pre-order by subscribing to my newsletter or following me on Facebook.



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